About accidental ingestion of ink and pencil lead


In order to avoid accidental accidents, please keep the product in a place out of reach of infants and children.

Ink and pencil leads of our products do not use things like toxic substances. Therefore, it is unlikely that ink ingredients will adversely affect the human body due to normal use. In addition, we have not received reports of health damage caused by accidental ingestion so far.   If you accidentally get into your mouth or eyes or on your skin, please refer to the next treatment method. However, since reactions to chemical substances are different for each person, if abnormality is found, please get medical examination promptly.

a) In case ink enters the mouth
  • Remove as much as possible the ink in the mouth, by gargling with water.
  • If swallowed it is not necessary to force it to vomit. If abnormality is seen afterwards, please get medical examination promptly.
b) In case a pencil lead or leads for mechanical pencil enters the mouth
  • If it is still in your mouth, please remove it with your finger so as not to swallow, or please spit out.
  • If swallowed stop at the respiratory tract, please strike the back, please press on the abdomen and spit out.
  • If swallowed it is not necessary to force it to vomit. If abnormality is seen afterwards, please get medical examination promptly.
c) In case ink gets in your eyes
  • Wash thoroughly with clean water immediately.
  • If there is pain or discomfort, please get medical examination promptly.
d) In case ink sticks to your skin
  • Wash thoroughly with running water using soap etc. as necessary.
  • If there is pain or discomfort, please get medical examination promptly.